Monday 15 March 2010

Action curated by Sonia Boyce

In the exhibition 'Action' curated by Sonia Boyce was an interesting mix of artists. There were two artists in particular who caught my eye; Appau Boakye-Yiadom and Beverly Bennett.

Appau Boakye-Yiadom's pieces were about objects having an inner-more. He makes such objects as jelly, melons and bubble gum have a personality and makes them come to life with no human characterises backing it up which i think is very clever.

The piece to the left is called 'Melon n ball' parts 1-4 which is a video showing the melon in four different scenario's. In this particular one the melon is hiding behind the ball and slowly starts poking out, as if it is shy.

Beverly Bennett is an interesting artist because her work is all about gestural marks. She wants to put a sense of unease to the viewer from scratching, dragging, piercing and cutting paper in a way that makes you almost feel sorry for the treatment of the paper. She uses pin, forks and knives as implements to create these pieces which once know makes the work make you feel even more uneasy, as if these implements were present.
In the picture to the left Bennett has cut tiny pieces of paper and pinned them in different arrangements on boards. The piece is disturbing because its almost as if shes torturing the paper; dissecting it into small bits and pinning down in a decorative way. I can honestly say this piece made me feel uneasy!

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