Friday 12 February 2010

Adam Chodzko lecture 10/02/10

Adam Chodzko talked about a range of his work but one particular piece really stuck me as being creatively different. He has a very global/local approach to his work for e.g:
"Better Scenery" 2000 is a sign in a Sainsbury's car park in London with directions to get to a particular spot in Flagstaff, Arizona where there is a sign with the directions on it to get back to the same Sainsbury's car park.

I think this idea is brilliant, clever and one of those pieces you think, 'I wish i thought of that'. It is dealing with globalisation in such a different but straight to the point way. It feels quite surreal to have these directions that will take you to a completely new scenery, from an industrial, busy London car park, to a desolate, quite spot in the Arizona. It got me thinking that if i followed these directions not knowing where i was going to end up, which one out of these scenic places would i prefer and which place somebody from Arizona would prefer.

The piece is potentially claustrophobic for sole purpose would be to travel to see the other sign which also makes them dependant of each other. This got me thinking is my own art work dependant on anything or anyone. To live without my computer and camera i would struggle with the process of my work. I wonder if it would be a good experiment to leave technologies alone for a few weeks and see where my work would go. Be dependant on myself and my surroundings.

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