Monday 15 February 2010

Wrong Love volunteering - 13/02/10

On the 13th of February me and a few others volunteered to help out at 'Wrong Love' an A Foundation live art event. It was a night of performances and installations from different artists dealing with unconventional love (and believe me it was very strange).

We all view love and Valentines day as hearts, and roses, nice gifts, couples going out, kind of sunshine, lolly pops and rainbows. This exhibition made me open my eyes to the fact that there is more to this commercialised day, there is more to love and how it works. And love does have a bad side.
What fascinated me about this night was the layout. There were different artists and performers hid in small rooms and up stairs and people were cuing to get to the 'Kissing Booth' which was an installation. So it felt a bit sneaky and private to look into these rooms which added to the atmosphere of the night.
However there were also installations sharing a big warehouse space. At the center of it all was Richard Profits Indian house. The performers shared the space and it felt almost like a free for all because the audience was very much involved which was very exciting. I've never considered performance art but i am really interested in film and advertising and after this exhibition i find myself wandering where my work could go with some performance. If i experimented with atmosphere in spaces, i think to fill one with people and have random performances happening from people in the crowd would bring everyone together. Nobody would know who was an artist, but are the audience also the artist just for being there and taking part?

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